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Volkswagen Coasters

A 3D print of coasters with the Volkswagen logo

Inspired by the model here, I wanted to recreate the coasters.

But the Volkswagen logo has changed, so I didn’t want to print the coasters with the old one …

This meant that while I had the container for the coasters and the outer ring, the inner logo had to be replaced. I searched for a long time, but then found what I was looking for: An SVG version of the logo, which I was able to import into Sketchup.

After some fiddling, I was able to integrate the new logo into the existing ring. There are some small errors in it, but Cura has no problems with them.

I integrated a normal version of the logo and an inverted version into the ring. So, now seven coasters fit into the container.

Speaking of which… I didn’t like the container for the coasters either, as I would have had problems getting the last coasters out. Why? The two “W” blocked my fingers when I pulled out the last coaster.

So I took the opportunity and worked one of the “W” openings into a “V”. This makes it easier to remove the coasters and the “VW” letters appeared on it.

I also joined the container to a solid body. I think it looks better, now.

That’s all.

You can find the free STL Files here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/home/vw-coaster-set-new-logo

And here a few pics:


Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0