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DIY slatted frame

How to build a slatted frame

After 10 years my slatted frame starts to break. One latch broke and a few more started to bend.

That would not bother me but we have a small dog who likes to sleep under the bed. I didn’t want something bad happen to him…

A few weeks before the “break” of my slatted frame I saw a YouTube-clip about testing mattresses and slatted frames. The result was that the best slatted frame is a fixed one (no springs or any other fexible stuff).

So I decided to build one by myself. Usually the size of a slatted frame is 2.00 x 0.90 meters. So I bought planed wood. I had to cut two long and two short pieces. For the latch I had to cut 14 pices.

14 pieces of latch

The cuts were simple and quickly done. But on the latch I had to drill a hole which was 2 cm from the edge. And of course the hole had to be centered. To ensure that the holes would be drilled in the same place every time I build a template.

Hole template

Now it was only a matter of time…

When this was done I started to assemble the frame. I used two screws on each corner. Now it was time to attach the dowels to the frame.

I had to place the first latch 4 cm from the edge followed by a 6 cm space. To be able to have the same space all the time I cut two wooden blocks which were 6 cm long. From the starting point I placed one latch and marked the drill points through the holed of the latch. Then I placed the space-blocks beside the first latch and placed the second latch next to the blocks. I repeated this 12 times.

Latch spacer Latch spacer

Now I had a lot of marks on the frame; time for the drill…

The last remaining thing was to glue the dovels on the frame.

Glued dovels Latch spacer

That’s it…

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