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DIY cash register toy - part 1 (Introduction)

First part of DIY cash register toy from actually real parts

A few month ago, I had an idea for a real cash register for children.

And of course this would be a nice project to get hands dirty in some hardware and software…

…so, I started to think about: What should be part of the cash register?

By that thinking, I asked myself: What parts belong to an actual cash register?

So here are the parts:

  • Bar code scanner
  • Receipt printer
  • Cash register
  • Credit card reader

Now, where the hell should I get these parts from? Of course as cheap as possible… :)

Solution: Some kind of flea market. Or better: (in Germany) ebay-kleinanzeigen.de

So I found the first three parts. (I will introduce the parts in a later article) The last one, I already owned. (Means: I owned a rfid reader, which is sufficient)

Bar code scanner
Bar Code Scanner

Receipt printer
Receipt printer

Cash register
Cash Register

Now, I’m waiting to get the parts…

And, in the meantime I do some testing with my rfid reader…

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